Follow My Love

Laurana's Song

Do you remember the days when the birds sang so clearly?

If I'm not mistaken, they sing in this manner today.

But the boy that I played with, the one I was loving so dearly,

He has gone, and his leaving has taken the sweetness away.

For so many years I've been cared for in unclouded safety.

I lived in a dream, and my dreams were my only care.

But now you returned from my dreams, and you've changed so immensely:

I see the real world in your face, and it's full of despair.

But I am a princess, and princesses are for the crying,

For the laying and waiting for someone to rescue and fight.

But if I see the others are losing theirselves in their trying,

Then it's time for the princess to rise and to stand by their side.

So I cannot lie anymore about loving and living,

I'm not willed anymore to just watch everything from above.

So I'll leave thee, my father, I'll leave you both, my dearest brothers;

I know nothing about bravery, I just know: I must follow my love.

I know nothing about bravery, I just know: I must follow my love.

Crystal 1998

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